Tag: Vaping Safer Than Smoking


Is Vaping Safer Than Smoking?

Vaping is a relatively new concept which gained popularity over a decade ago. Some people have given up smoking entirely and replaced it with vaping, and some use it as a means of quitting smoking for good. Despite its newfound popularity, not a lot of people are aware of it or the difference to smoking. There are many unanswered questions such as how safe it is compared to smoking tobacco or cigarettes. The good thing is, there are on-going studies about its chemical content and if it's a safer alternative to smoking. The difference in chemical content: Smoking is harmful to the lungs. Vaping is no exemption and, in fact, comes with health implications as well. Although it’s not as bad as when smoking cigarettes, knowing the chemicals in it will help you make a better decision to try it or not. Cigarettes and tobacco. Tobacco is an essential component of cigarettes. Smoking involves the process of burning tobacco leaves, which then releases thousands of chemicals that go into your body. One should be alarmed to know that 20 or more of these chemicals are potent carcinogens. This includes nicotine, which is an addictive chemical giving you that urge to smoke another stick. Hydrogen cyanide, lead, formaldehyde, ammonia, and arsenic are also some of the dangerous chemicals you introduce to your body when you smoke. Vaping eliminates the process of burning tobacco leaves, which in turn, reduces the harmless chemicals to which you subject your body. Studies show that there are only a handful of chemicals involved in vaping compared to smoking cigarettes. Cyclops e juice was found to contain the least amount of harmful chemicals amongst all other producers of e-cigarettes. This includes nicotine, acetaldehyde, propylene glycol, and nitrosamines, while the rest are chemicals added to give flavor to the vapor. Vaping and quitting smoking: Cigarettes can be addictive, and despite the health implications, smokers find it hard to break the habit. Quitting is a difficult challenge because once your body’s addicted to nicotine, there’s almost no turning back and stopping will take a lot of willpower to achieve. This is where vaping plays a role. Smokers find it easier to overcome their cigarette addiction by replacing it with e-cigarettes, which are available from an online vape store on the web. Some claim they managed to overcome their nicotine cravings by vaping, or at least reduce it by half.  Cancer Research UK conducted a study and compared cigarette smokers and vape smokers and found lower toxins and carcinogens with the latter population sample. They also suggested people should give up cigarettes entirely and swap over to e-cigarettes if you want an easier way of giving up your addiction. Healthy living is a personal choice, and if you’ve been smoking for years, it’s understandable how much of a struggle it is to quit. Giving up cigarettes is a big step, and you’ll need all the help you can get to make it possible. From nicotine patches to vaping, all you need to do is find an effective method to break the bad habit. Read Also: Make A Mark: The Vape Brand For Your Lifestyle Can Vaping Really Help You Kick Your Smoking Habit?